Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Evolution Through Innovation and Creative Thinking

Evolution Through Innovation and Creative Thinking
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Years ago, educating children was seen as necessary to the future strength of our countries. As a result, most governments provided schools to supporting the production of quality citizens and leaders.
In the process of insuring that every child received the education needed, standardized tests were created. At first blush, it was a good idea. Over time, however, passing the standardized tests became the goal, rather than teaching children to use their god given gifts by honoring their individuality and creativity. Eventually the very things that encourage creativity, such as music and the arts, were deemed unnecessary luxuries and removed from the system.
Now we find ourselves in a unique situation. The old tried and true methods are rapidly failing us. We need innovative and creative thinkers to come up with new solutions to our rapidly mounting problems. Yet we have all been trained in standardized thinking, spoon-fed entertainment through the media rather than encouraged to create on our own.
How can we resurrect atrophied ability to be innovative and create? If we do, can solutions be found to current problems? It would appear we are well behind the power curve. Can we uncover and engage this much needed skill in time?
With us this hour to delve into the concept of innovation and creative thinking is Dr. Roger Firestien.  Dr. Firestien has taught people to lead the creative process worldwide. He is senior faculty and an associate professor at the Center for Applied Imagination at SUNY Buffalo, author of “Create in A Flash:  A Leader’s Recipe for Breakthrough Innovation,” and President of Innovation Resources, Inc.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Dying to Live: Near-Death Experience

Dying to Live: Near-Death Experience
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Increasingly, modern science is discovering how much our beliefs, perspectives and even concepts of reality are stored in our physical bodies. There is evidence that much of our perception is passed on to us from ancestors – locked in the DNA.  
Many indigenous cultures trained their shaman and mystics by subjecting them to extremely harsh, and often life threatening, initiations. This practice was designed to cause dissociation, leaving their physical bodies and all the programing held there in order to gain a more comprehensive perspective of life.

Is there indeed life after death? What are we without our bodies? What can we learn by not being subject to the body’s programing? Most importantly, can we gain this knowledge and expanded perspective without brutal initiations or a Near-Death Experience?

With us this hour, to share new perspectives he has uncovered through Near-Death Experience, is a gentleman I have had the pleasure of interviewing before, Robert Kopecky. Robert is the author of "How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying)"and "How to Survive Life (and Death)."  His extensive global journeys were punctuated by three very different, dramatic Near-Death Experiences. These eventually led him to years of study, meditation, service and the transpersonal realization of life that inspired him to write and teach about spiritual lessons he learned the hard way.    
His website: www.robertkopecky.com,  


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Language of the Heart: True Communication

Language of the Heart: True Communication 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
How strange. Often, the more articulate we become, the less we understand and are understood by those we love. Could it be because words are the language of the mind and therefore are not well designed to communicate matters of the heart?
A great demonstration of the limitations of the spoken word is the game, “Telephone.” In this game, a group of people line up and pass a whispered message to the person next to them. By the time the last person in the line receives and speaks the message, it is nothing like the original statement.

While, in the game, the distortion of the message is seen as comical, it can prove disastrous in interpersonal relationships. Everyone receives and interprets language through their filters of past experience, issues and fears. How can we bridge the gap between spoken language and emotional connection? How can we once again connect heart to heart? Do we indeed say it best when we say nothing at all?

With us this hour to explore a more heart centered approach to therapy is Philip DeLuca, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Phil has developed a new approach to communication and conflict resolution. His premise: the "Express Yourself!" and "Talk it through!" current communication approaches destroy both love and health. Phil offers an alternative approach that works where he sees current approaches failing. He has spent over 40 years and tested his approach on over 40,000 problem situations.
His website: gobeyondthearpy.com


Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power

  Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power Many feel powerless, like they are just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Could the ans...