Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Rising From Adversity


Rising From Adversity

Most of us have experienced grief from time to time. But what happens when a loss is so devastating we have no clue how to go on or if we even want to?

With us this hour to chart our course through debilitating grief is Dr. Ken Druck. Ken is one of the world’s leading experts on grief and resilience. Since losing his own daughter in a tragic accident, and working with families after 9/11, Sandy Hook, and Columbine, he has dedicated his life to providing roadmaps for getting through life’s most daunting and difficult times and navigating its daily ups and downs. Dr. Ken is a bestselling author of several books, including his most recent, How We Go On: Self-Compassion, Courage, and Gratitude on the Path Forward. He is a recipient of the prestigious Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award, a lecturer at UCSD School of Medicine, and a noted speaker for conferences, special gatherings, and global organizations.

His website:




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