Monday, July 26, 2021

Deep Dive: Evolving Through Introspection


Deep Dive:  Evolving Through Introspection

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

Spiritual evolution of a species is dependent upon the evolution of its individuals. Evolution of an individual is an inside job, and a personal choice. Should one decide to engage in personal spiritual evolution, we need a starting point. It’s impossible to move forward and evolve if we don’t know where we are. The only way to take stock of where we are is through honest introspection and self-reflection.

How does one engage in introspection? What are the pitfalls of the inward journey? How can moving backward into our history help us move forward and evolve?

With us this hour to examine the inward journey, its benefits and challenges, is  

Jennie Lee. Jennie is a Nautilus Book award winning author of three books: “SPARK CHANGE: 108 Provocative Questions,” “TRUE YOGA: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness & Spiritual Fulfillment,” and “BREATHING LOVE: Meditation in Action.” An expert in the fields of yoga therapy and spiritual living, Jennie has counseled private clients worldwide for over 20 years.

Her website:


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Spiritual Awakening: Uniting Science and Spirituality


Spiritual Awakening: Uniting Science and Spirituality

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

Science and spirituality have one thing in common – they seek the truth – the secret of life. At some point, they became polarized against each other, an either-or type of situation. Are you a person of science or a person of faith? Yet the search continued, each faction seeking the same thing with a different approach. In the quest for spiritual awakening and unification, what can be learned by combining the knowledge accessed by both of these seemingly divergent approaches? After all, there are three sides to every story: the right, the left, and the truth.

With us this hour to contemplate life and truth is Tim Freke. Tim is an English philosopher and author of 35 books, translated into more than 15 languages, including a Sunday Times bestseller and Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year.' 

His work combines science and spirituality to offer a visionary new understanding of life. 

His website:



Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power

  Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power Many feel powerless, like they are just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Could the ans...