Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Earth's Resonant Frequencies, Sacred Sites and Acoustic Science of the Divine


Earth's Resonant Frequencies, Sacred Sites and Acoustic Science of the Divine

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

Ancient sacred sites have long been a curiosity. We have studied the fascinating geometry of the structures, observed their alignment with solstices and equinoxes and pondered the meaning of their placement. But what about their acoustic capabilities?

As a young girl, I can still remember listening to a choir singing at Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Never before had music been so impactful. There seemed to be something about the structure that transformed sound into a full body, religious experience.

The next time I was exposed to such magic was as a teen experiencing Gregorian chants sung by monks of the Abbey of St Ottilien, in Germany. Though these were different structures in separate countries, the experience was the same – like bathing in the divine.

With us this hour to explore this mysterious acoustic phenomenon is

David Elkington. David is the author of “The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine.” David is an academic and historian, specializing in Egyptology and Egypto-Palestinian links. Known for his work on the Jordan Lead Codices – the earliest known initiatory Christian documents – he is also the coauthor of “The Case for the Jordan Codices.” He has lectured at Oxford and Cambridge Universities and appeared on many television programs, including Forbidden History.

Find out more about David on his Facebook page: The Jordan Codices 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Attack of Mutant COVID-19: Conversations with a Biomedical Scientist

 The Attack of Mutant COVID-19: 

Conversations with a Biomedical Scientist 

This hour we will be exploring Mutant COVID-19

January 9, 2020 the world health organization announced a mysterious coronavirus-related pneumonia in Wuhan, China.  Since that time, the world has been on one wild ride. There has been much debate, information and misinformation as to what we are in for and how best to respond. 

Ultimately the most hope was placed upon producing an effective vaccine. December 11th, 2020  the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the first emergency use authorization for a vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease. Mass distribution began and there seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel. 

Then, enter stage left – COVID’s ability to mutate. What is being referred to as a double mutant’ COVID-19 variant, B.1.617 has now been designated a variant of interest. What is a variant of interest? How many variants are there? What do these mutations mean for the effectiveness of acquired immunity and the current vaccines? What are the best ways to protect ourselves at this point? How and when will this ever end?

With us this hour is a gentleman we’ve had the pleasure of having on the show before, Dr. Dennis Carroll. Dr Carroll has been kind enough to come back on to discuss what we might expect from the mutations of COVID-19. 

He has a doctorate in biomedical research, with a special focus in tropical infectious diseases, from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He was a Research Scientist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory where he studied the molecular mechanics of viral infection. He has over 30 years of leadership experience in global health and development. Dr Carroll served as the Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Emerging Threats Division. Dr. Carroll was responsible for providing strategic and operational leadership for the Agency's programs addressing new and emerging disease threats. He currently heads the Global Virome Project, an international partnership to build the systems and capacities to detect and characterize future viral threats.

His website: globalviromeproject.org


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Finding Your Bliss: Care and Maintenance of the Human Brain


Finding Your Bliss: 

Care and Maintenance of the Human Brain

~Gwilda Wiyaka ~

 I was at the gym the other day, rehabbing from a recent injury, and remembered my physical therapist saying, “You’re going to get out of your body what you put into it. If you don’t take affirmative, consistent action and develop an exercise routine, you can expect to be permanently impaired. However, if you do take the time and effort, you can easily be in better shape than you were before your accident.”

This got me to thinking. If that’s the case with our bodies, what about our brains? Life is full of bumps, bruises and traumas, not just physically – but mentally and emotionally. Many of us spend much time, effort and money on our physical appearance and shape, but what about our mental wellbeing? If left to it’s own devices, does it deteriorate just like our bodies? If so, what protocols can we set up to condition our minds into positive, evolutionary thinking? How can we evolve mentally, rather than slowly sinking into neurological ruts that lead nowhere nice and to nothing new? 

With us this hour to discuss these options is Dr. Dawson Church. Dr. Church is an award-winning science writer with three best-selling books to his credit. “The Genie in Your Genes,”  “Mind to Matter,”  and his latest, “Bliss Brain.” Dawson has conducted dozens of clinical trials, and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to promote groundbreaking new treatments. Its largest program, the Veterans Stress Project, has offered free treatment to over 20,000 veterans with PTSD over the past decade.

His website: www.BlissBrain.com


Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power

  Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power Many feel powerless, like they are just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Could the ans...