Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Evolution of the Soul

Evolution of the Soul
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Spiritual evolution, both personal and as a species, is a fascinating topic that we will continue to explore from many viewpoints on MISSION: EVOLUTION Radio Show. It is, after all, the opportunity of this lifetime.
However, while we have been focused on evolving during our current incarnation, one aspect we have yet to touch upon is the evolution of the human spirit. This exploration raises many questions.
Is there such a thing as past lives? Do we reincarnate? If so, what is the purpose of coming back again and again? Do we incarnate in places other than Earth? Do we evolve during the reincarnation process, or do we have to start over again every lifetime?

With us to delve into this intriguing topic is Tricia McCannon, author of “THE ANGELIC ORIGINS OF THE SOUL: Discovering Your Divine Purpose.” Tricia is an American clairvoyant, historian and teacher who has traveled the world in search of answers to the greatest Mysteries of the Ages. As a mystical symbologist and researcher, she is an initiate of many ancient streams of knowledge, and the author of 13 online books and 35 DVD’s. Tricia is the Founder of the Phoenix Fire Lodge Mystery School in Atlanta, a Reverend in the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers, and a Bishop in the Madonna Ministries.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Animal Companions and Spirit Friends

Animal Companions and Spirit Friends 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
One of the many things, we, as humans have misunderstood and taken for granted is the animals we share the planet with. Now, with species going extinct daily, domestic animals being neglected and mistreated it is clearly time to evolve our relationship with the animal kingdom.

A good place to start is with our pets. What have we been missing in our relationships with our companion animals? Is there more to them than meets the eye? What can we learn in sharing their lives and their passing? How can we better relate to our pets during their time with us and with their spirits after their death?

With us this hour to delve into the topic is Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly an intuitive veterinarian and author of the book "Animal Teachings from Hayley's Angel Methods." She has specialized in end of life care and counseling for the past 12 years. Dr. Joanne promotes intuitive medicine for the mind, body and soul. She guides families in tuning in with their pets, themselves, Nature & the Universe to make better, fair and personalized medical decisions, prevent diseases and accidents, speed up healing and allow for a peaceful and dignified passing. "Better living & better dying for all".
Her website: hayleysangels.com

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dr. Temple Grandin

Hidden Trauma in Your Food!
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
There is increasing evidence that trauma and adrenaline saturate the meat wrapped in pristine cellophane in our supermarkets. Few of us suspect or understand the suffering animals endure due to inhumane handling and butchering practices.

Just because humans must kill to survive does not require being callous and brutal in the process. Mutual respect, honoring, and gentle handling of those who sacrifice that we may live is paramount for our personal health and wellbeing. Gratitude for both the plants and animals that sustain us not only honors the circle of life, but reduces trauma and supports all involved. 

It would be interesting to know how much of the stress, fear and aggression we see in the world results from the way our food – both plants and animalsis disrespected, abused and traumatized. After all, we are what we eat.

Clearly an evolutionary approach is in order.

With us to delve into the animal portion of this dilemma and hopefully offer some innovative solutions is Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, with a Ph.D in Animal Science from the University of Illinois. A designer of livestock handling facilities, her systems are used worldwide. Her writings on the “flight zone” and other principles of grazing animal behavior have helped many reduce stress on their animals during handling.
 Temple is a prolific author with three books on the New York Times best seller list. Her life story has been made into an HBO movie which won seven Emmy awards and a Golden Globe. Dr. Grandin was inducted into The Women's Hall of Fame and in 2018 made a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Her website: grandin.com 

Living Long and Healthy

  Living Long and Healthy Most of us want to live a long life. However, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain our health with ...