Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Grit: Authentic Spirituality

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
We all have our own ideas about what being spiritual looks like. Yet as we evolve, those ideas need to expand in order to encompass greater arenas. Our youth are experiencing problems that were undreamt of in times past. Just one of many examples is the addiction crisis faced by today’s young people. We clearly need spirituality with grit in order to meet the growing needs and challenges of today.
How does spirituality need to evolve in order to support our youth in destress? Where can we find the grounded, practical spirituality needed to meet our children where they are, in order to support their evolutionary path to unity and wholeness?

With us this hour to explore the spiritual challenges faced by today’s youth is Chris Grosso. Chris is a youth mental health group facilitator with Newport Academy, public speaker, writer, and author of “Indie Spiritualist,” “Everything Mind” and “Dead Set on Living.” He writes for Revolver Magazine, ORIGIN Magazine, and Huffington Post, and has spoken and performed at Wanderlust Festival, Celebrate Your Life, Yoga Journal Conference, Sedona World Wisdom Days, and more.
Chris works with people who are in the process of healing or struggling with addictions of all kinds. He speaks and leads groups in detoxes, yoga studios, rehabs, youth centers, hospitals, conferences, and festivals worldwide.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Heart as Gateway to The Soul

Heart as Gateway to The Soul
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
From Christ’s only commandment to love one another, to the indigenous beliefs that the heart is a mind all its own, many traditions have spoken of the importance of the heart. At the same time, nothing is more misunderstood in our mentally focused society than the power of love and the energetic function of the heart.
Recently, science has discovered that the heart creates an electromagnetic field which interacts at the quantum level. There is increasing evidence that this interface provides an access point between all things. Could it be that all this time we have been looking for mental telepathy, when it is actually heart telepathy that gives us access to esoteric information?
Is the heart and its electromagnetic field the key to unity? What deepening truths can be uncovered when we see with our heart as well as our mind? How can we once again open our hearts to perceive the information and interconnectedness there? What will we discover when we do?

With us this hour to delve into matters of the heart is Wendy De Rosa, author of numerous books, including “Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening,” and “Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing.” Wendy is an international intuitive energy healer, speaker, and teacher. For the past two decades she has offered education and training programs for spiritual and personal growth, to people wanting to develop their intuition and experience personal transformation. She is the founder of The School of Intuitive Studies and The Intuitive Healer Training Program.
Her website: schoolofintuitivestudies.com

The Trap of Unforgiveness

The Trap of Unforgiveness 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
There is nothing that stops personal evolution in its tracks faster than unforgiveness as an unforgiving heart is firmly frozen in place. Rather than broadcasting the frequency of love, it is locked down, holding a grudge. Grudges keep us trapped in the past and unavailable to connect with the unifying force of love in the present. This lockdown condemns us to an isolated future. Given that we are currently evolving into unity, the inability – or unwillingness – to forgive becomes a slow, painful devolution into bitterness, loneliness and despair.
Yet how does one forgive? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Often, we might say we forgive, only to find the grudge reemerging to haunt us. Could it be that the forgiveness we need is for ourselves, rather than those we perceive have wronged us? Is it possible the underlying problem is victimhood, used to cover personal guilt and shame? What is the anatomy of forgiveness, and how do we achieve it?

With us this hour to explore the power of forgiveness and how to obtain it is Rev. Misty Tyme, author of “The Forgiveness Solution: The Step by Step Process to Let it Go.” She is a forgiveness expert, speaker, certified death doula and creator of The Forgiveness Algorithm™.
Rev. Misty was ordained in 2015 after spending two years in One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Previously, she had a long, successful career in corporate health care. Her mission: to bring a forgiveness tool to a cynical world that is craving a way to let go of pain and anger. Armed with the motto that “forgiveness is the link between love and healing,” she believes when we practice forgiveness, we make room for the good life God has intended for each one of us.
Her website: RevMisty.com

Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power

  Life Purpose: Embracing Your True Power Many feel powerless, like they are just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Could the ans...