Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Your Home Affects Your Health


Your Home Affects Your Health

Did you know that your health is impacted by your home? This being the case, how can we create a supportive healthy home environment?

With us this hour to uncover hidden health hazards in our home is Caroline Blazovsky. Caroline is a national healthy home expert with over 24 years of experience working with the public and physicians to create healthy living spaces and improve wellness. She has investigated over 30,000 homes in her career looking for correlations to how we live and how it affects our health and wellness. Her certifications and education include knowledge of mold, indoor air and water quality, chemicals in the home, green building, home improvement, healthy homes and allergies. 

Her website:




Where Are You on the Health - Disease Continuum?


Where are you on the health – disease continuum?

The answer may surprise you!

With us this hour to explore the health - disease continuum is Dr. Thomas J. Lewis. Dr. Lewis is a leading authority on the mechanisms of chronic diseases. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT and credentials from the Harvard School of Public Health. His main function, as leader of Health Revival Partners, is translating the best-of-breed medical knowledge from mentors and thought leaders into logical disease prevention and reversal medical protocols. Dr. Lewis is the author of numerous books including “Cancer IS an Infectious Disease.”

 His website:




Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Longevity, Gut Health, and Immunity


Longevity, Gut Health, and Immunity

The gut used to be thought of as little more than a waist disposal system. However, more recently scientific discoveries have shown there is ever so much more to the gut than meets the eye. In addition to being considered the second brain, how does our gut impact immunity and longevity?

With us this hour to uncover the hidden function of the gut is Dr. Robert Silverman. Dr. Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, national/international speaker, author of Amazon’s #1 bestsellers “Immune Reboot” and “Inside-Out Health,” founder and CEO of Westchester Integrative Health Ctr. He has a Master of Science degree in human nutrition and five other designations in clinical nutrition. Dr. Silverman is on the advisory board for the Functional Medicine University and is a science officer with Nutri-Dyn, chief clinical consultant for KBMO Diagnostics and Erchonia EMEA.

His website:




Your Home Affects Your Health

  Your Home Affects Your Health Did you know that your health is impacted by your home? This being the case, how can we create a support...