Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Suffering Over Our Suffering: Evolving Beyond the Trauma Trap

Suffering Over Our Suffering: Evolving Beyond the Trauma Trap
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
There is nothing like unprocessed trauma to lock us into the past and impinge our ability to evolve. Once a person experiences trauma, they automatically put checks and balances in place to avoid experiencing it again.
Unfortunately, this can result in triggers that are activated by any stimuli in the present even remotely resembling the original wound. These triggers throw us back into past trauma, regardless of the truth in the situation at hand. As a result, we interpret the situation and motives of the people around us according to the past, not the present, and react accordingly – never evolving beyond the old limiting stories and realities.
It is only in the present moment that we have personal power and the ability to reason and make appropriate choices.
How can we clear the trauma that hijacks our reality, and with it, the ability to stay present and evolve?

With us this hour to explore moving beyond trauma is Michelle Nagel. Michelle is a TEDx speaker, author of “Suffering is Optional: Step Out of Darkness Into the Light,” and President of Soul Shift, Inc. Known as America's #1 Resilience Expert, for over 20 years Michelle has guided people through transformation after trauma, betrayal, and healing core wounds. Personally endorsed by Jack Canfield, author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books, Michelle has guided people from all walks of life to make internal shifts that propel them to success, teach them to banish overwhelm, and find joy in their lives.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Evolutionary Power of Sound

The Evolutionary Power of Sound 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Something we tend not to think about is how our bodies perceive the world around us. Perception is directly related to frequency or wavelength. Light is an electromagnetic frequency perceived by the eyes. Sound is a mechanical wave registered by the ear drum. Both light and sound are translated by the brain.  

Electromagnetic and mechanical waves exist on a continuum of frequency. Mechanical waves are slower, electromagnetic faster, until they leave our perceptual range on either end of the scale, such as microwaves and radiation.

Everything expresses according to frequency. The health of an organism is dependent upon the delicate balance thereof.

The same laws apply all along the frequency scale. To every wavelength there is an equal but opposite that can cancel it out. For millennia, indigenous peoples have used this aspect of frequency though light, sound and sent to correct frequency imbalances in person, place, or thing.

With us this hour to delve into the mysterious powers of sound is Eileen McKusick. Eileen is a researcher, inventor, author, educator and practitioner who has been studying the  effects of sound on the human body since 1996. She has written the award-winning, best-selling book, “Tuning the Human Biofield,” is the creator of Biofield Tuning sound therapy method, and founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute.
Her website:

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Reframing Fear of COVID-19

Reframing Fear of COVID-19
~Gwilda Wiyaka ~
One thing all life-threatening diseases have in common is the fear factor. Be it cancer, AIDS or COVID-19, the moment we are diagnosed with one of them, the tendency is to go into fear, catastrophize and envision the grim reaper shadowing our future. We may be able to pull ourselves out of the terror and deal, but fear dogs us like a stalking beast, ready to take us down without warning.
Not only is fear unpleasant to deal with, but it puts us into the survival brain. When in the survival mode of fight or flight, we don’t have access to higher thought, logic, compassion or spirituality. Not only is this stressful on the body, it drops our overall frequency, compromising the immune system. It renders us incapable of making sound decisions, none of which is conducive to healing.
Is there a way to reframe our concept of life threatening diseases? Can we find gratitude for the lessons, thus switching us back into the front brain where logic, grounding and spirituality reside?

With us this hour to share “Why Cancer Taught Her to Not Fear Coronavirus” is Kari E. Gray. Kari is the author of “How Cancer Saved My Life and How It Saves Yours Too.” She is CEO and Founder of AlternaCare, a 501c(3) nonprofit whose mission is reinventing health, healthcare, and health insurance holistically. As a three-decade terminal cancer conqueror, Kari has distilled healthcare reform into 6 pillars for change. Launching her vision as a 2020 membership community, AlternaCare is Kari’s 'pay it forward' humanitarian project by bringing holistic, organic answers to people who want sustainable results.
Her website:

Living Long and Healthy

  Living Long and Healthy Most of us want to live a long life. However, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain our health with ...