Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Evolution of School Systems

The Evolution of School Systems 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
In times past, schools were considered a safe place for children and teachers – one of exploration and growth. Now with all the conflict, stress and shootings, teachers deserve hazardous duty pay and children might be wise to exchange their backpacks for bulletproof vests.
What has happened to turn our once safe and supportive schools into war zones? How ineffective has education become as a result? What evolutionary solution can be found to counteract the rapidly deteriorating condition of school environments, safety and quality of education?

With us this hour to delve into the dilemma is Dr. Cletus R. Bulach a retired Ohio school superintendent and associate professor emeritus at the University of West Georgia.  He is the author of numerous articles in educational journals and is co-author of the two books: “School Climate and Culture Vis-à-vis Student Learning: Keys to Collaborative Problem Solving and Responsibility.” The second book is “Enhancing A High Performing School Culture and Climate: New Insights for Improving Schools.” The second book focuses on human relations problems that interfere with creating a positive school culture and climate: poor interpersonal communications and inability to cope with conflict.

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