Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Following Your Joy to Live Your Purpose

Following Your Joy to Live Your Purpose
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Lately, we are hearing a lot about life purpose and true calling. Exactly what that is seems to be up for debate.
Some schools of thought indicate that one must find the job that matches up with their “calling” in order to live their purpose. Others allude to living our purpose through whatever we happen to be doing at the time. Some believe they cannot live their purpose as they must make money to survive – that following one’s calling is diametrically opposed to earning a decent income.
What exactly is our true calling? How can we uncover what our calling is? Is purpose necessarily attached at the hip to occupation? How can we uncover what we came to do? Or is it all a grand illusion, fabricated to give our seemingly meaningless existence value?
With us this hour to explore life purpose is Jennifer Noel Taylor, author of “Spiritual and Broke: How to Stop Struggling with Money and Live Your Purpose.” Jennifer is an energy healing practitioner, self-help motivator, and the CEO of Quantum-Touch, Inc. She has dedicated her life work to helping people discover the healing power of their love. Jennifer graduated from Cal Poly with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Philosophy. After graduation, she started her first job as a Software Engineer at a big company in San Diego, but the job didn’t align with her true passion in life. She innately knew that she had a purpose and felt keenly aware she was not following her true calling.
Her website:


  1. Thanks so much for having me on your show! I believe that we all have a purpose, which intersects with our greatest joy. I hope to inspire people to find their purpose, live their joy, and realize they can manifest abundance too! - Jennifer

  2. Thank you for being on the show and bringing your beautiful message Jennifer. Many blessings on your sacred path of service. ~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~


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