Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Who are You and What is Your Quest: Evolving into True Purpose

Who are You and What is Your Quest: Evolving into True Purpose
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
In order to evolve into our true purpose, we must first let go of old, limiting concepts of who we are. This involves opening to infinite possibility.
Many traditions use trance states and spiritual guides to navigate the inner landscape of the human psyche in order to access our true potential. These traditions deal deeply with the language of spirit – archetypes, allegory and synchronicity. The messages they carry must be translated from the language of spirit, as accessed in the imagination, to a more literal form that makes sense to the linear mind. This is a rare art form, Virtually lost in modern times, resulting in much confusion regarding spiritual information.
With us to discuss the topics of purpose, spiritual information and the meaning of life, is Garnet Schulhauser. Garnet is the author of numerous books, including “Dancing on a Stamp,” “Dancing Forever with Spirit,” “Dance of Heavenly Bliss,” and “Dance of Eternal Rapture.” After practicing corporate law for over thirty years in Calgary with two blue-chip law firms, Garnet retired in 2008 to pursue his writing career. On his search for new ways to help his fellow humans understand the meaning of life on Earth, he enrolled in the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Academy and became a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner. Garnet takes great delight in helping people connect with their Higher Selves and to learn about their purpose for being on this planet.
His website:  

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