Thursday, November 15, 2018

Evolution Through the Science of Human Behavior

Evolution Through the Science of Human Behavior
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
There is no avoiding it – evolution creates disruption – or maybe it is the other way around but the fact remains there is a lot of social upheaval and turmoil going on right now. When things are disrupted it is a challenging time, but also an alchemical one. There is never a better time, than when all the components of a system, are thrown up in the air – to restructure it into a more user friendly form. Yet these times and situations are unprecedented. We often can’t rely on what has worked in the past. Where do we find guidance to help us restructure the very foundations of our society?

Our guest this hour has some interesting thoughts on the topic. With us to discuss evolution and the science of human behavior is Dr. Anthony Biglan. Anthony is an award-winning leader of worldwide efforts to evolve more nurturing societies. His work on the book, “The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior Can Improve Our Lives and Our World,” earned him the Award for Scientific Translation from the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Analysis in recognition of his contribution to public understanding of the power of behavioral science. 
His website:

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