Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Into the Shadow: Organ Harvesting and Genocide
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Evolution is about enlightenment. Some times that means employing forms that can clear our facility enabling us to channel more light, such as meditation, Shamanism, Tie chi, Falun Gong and Reiki to name a few.
Other times it is about having the courage to shine that very light into the darkest corners, open our eyes and see truth no matter how painful.
This is one of those other times.

With us this hour, to accompany us on our shadow walk, is a very brave man of service. Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an entrepreneur and activist from Johannesburg, South Africa, who has dedicated over 17 years to help expose one of the most brutal persecutions and human rights atrocities in modern history. The Communist regime in China has mandated, forced live organ harvesting of hundreds of thousands of Fall-un Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims and House Christians. Their organs are sold for large profit and their bodies are burned to remove the evidence. Hundreds of thousands of others have been illegally detained and sent to labor camps.  Mitchell seeks to increase the world's awareness so we can rid the world of this atrocity.
The website: stoporganharvesting.org

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