Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Hidden Power of Ritual


The Hidden Power of Ritual

Ritual has been present in most every culture as long as we have had recorded history. In modern times we observe it in many forms such as weddings and funerals. It has become something we do without giving the underlying purpose and power any thought.

Are there hidden forces in ritual? Can learning the principals and consciously engaging the practice empower our lives?  

With us this hour to explore the hidden power of ritual is Mara Branscombe, the author of “RITUAL AS REMEDY: Embodied Practices for Soul Care.” Mar-a is a mother, yogi, artist, teacher, mindfulness leader, ceremonialist, and spiritual coach. She is passionate about weaving the art of mindfulness, self-care, creativity, mind–body practices, and earth-based rituals into her life and work. She has been leading community ceremony since 2000. Mara’s trainings in the Incan Shaman lineage and the Pagan tradition have greatly inspired her life’s work of earth-based, ceremonial, intentional, and heart-centered living and loving.

Her website:





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