Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Searching for Soul: The Journey Inward

Searching for Soul: The Journey Inward

So much of who we think we are, is simply what we have been conditioned to be from outside influences. Yet, many ancient teachings indicate, within each of us is a power beyond our imagining.  How can we see beyond our conditioning and uncover our authenticity? How can we access our true nature and evolve into our potential?

With us this hour to explore the journey inward is Catherine Shainberg. Catherine is the author of “Kabbalah of Light -  Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illuminate the Soul,” an internationally renowned transpersonal psychologist, lecturer,  teacher, and visionary.  Grounded in the Kabbalah of Light, she created the School of Images® where her work integrates timeless wisdom with modern Western traditions to catalyze creative manifestation at all levels, in all areas of life.

Her website:




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