Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Medical Intuition Meets Modern Medicine

 Medical Intuition Meets Modern Medicine

While we may not be clear on what they do and how, most of us have heard about medical intuitives. What’s not commonly known is that medical intuition well predates allopathic medicine. As one example, all indigenous shaman use some form of medical intuition to diagnose and treat their people. Shamanism is between 50 to 60,000 years old. The old crone in her cottage on the hill, wild harvesting herbs and treating the villagers, most likely used the training from her mentor combined with a large dose of medical intuition to do so. Many allopathic drugs used today are derivatives or synthesized forms of those very herbs. 

When asked how they diagnosed an obscure illness, doctors have been known to say, “Well, I did all the tests and looked at all the evidence, but I just kept getting this gut feeling…”

What is a gut feeling, if not intuition?

In our modern approach to diagnosis and treatment, have we thrown the baby out with the bath water? Is there a place in modern medicine for medical intuition? Is there a way to marry the forms? How would the face of medicine change if we were to incorporate both?

With us this hour to explore the value and uses of medical intuitive approaches is Wendie Colter. Wendie is the author of  “Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Approach to Wellness.” She is a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Certified Wellness Coach, Certified Biofield Balance® Practitioner, and teacher. Wendie serves as Fellowship faculty for the Academy for Integrative Health & Medicine, rotating faculty for the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine IMER program, and is on the Bioenergy & Health Committee of the Integrative Health Policy Consortium. Her research in medical intuition is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Global Advances in Health & Medicine. She is collaborating with University of California San Diego School of Medicine on a gold-standard study, in recognition of the increasing value of medical intuition in the clinical setting and the need for scientific research.

Her website: www.thepracticalpath.com



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