Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Climate Crisis: Manifestation of The Human Shadow


Climate Crisis: Manifestation of The Human Shadow

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

After the unprecedented upheaval of 2020, we have focused MISSION: EVOLUTION’S guests and episodes on creatively moving forward to manifest a better tomorrow.

Many practices both ancient and modern teach that the outer world is merely a reflection of the inner one. This concept is found in so many sources that it warrants a closer look. If indeed our inner landscape creates the outer one, we are in a world of hurt – on both counts. Looking outwards, we see wars, rioting, civil unrest, anarchy, climate crisis, a pandemic and massive death of species. If this is a reflection of our inner workings, I would have to say our inner worlds are one big hot mess!

Historically, the tendency has been to attempt fixing things from the outside while denying any disfunction on the inside. What would happen to the outer world if, instead, we each turned within and addressed the imbalances that have been festering there for generations?

With us this hour to explore that very thing is Jack Adam Weber. Jack is a licensed Chinese medicine clinician with over 20 years’ experience. He is also a life coach, climate activist, organic farmer, artist, and celebrated poet. His most recent book is “Climate Cure: Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet.”

Jack writes about holistic medicine, emotional depth work, mind-body integration, and climate crisis. He developed the Nourish Practice, a deeply restorative, somatic meditation experience that doubles as an educational guide for healing through the wounds of childhood.

His website: jackadamweber.com



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