Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Power of the Soul During Times of Upheaval


The Power of the Soul During Times of Upheaval

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

During times of rapid shift and upheaval such as we are now experiencing, it is common to find oneself reeling. All the old rules are changing, and what we used to be able to count upon is no longer reliable.

The mind is well versed on taking past events and using them to plan future approaches. Now that we can no longer rely on the past to guide our future, we clearly need other resources.

While the mind has a shelf life, limited to this life’s experience, the soul is eternal. Can we use the human soul to help us while the mind cannot? What is the soul? How does it compare with spirit? What information does it have access to that the mind does not? How can we connect with soul and the gifts to be found there?

With us this hour to ponder these mysteries is Thomas Moore. Thomas published his classic, “Care of the Soul,” in 1992 and has since written twenty books on spirituality, sexuality, myth, religion and depth psychology. His books have been translated into thirty-two languages. He has taught religious studies and psychology and has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years. He often speaks at C. G. Jung societies and has done special work consulting at major medical centers with the idea of bringing soul to medicine. He was a close friend and collaborator with James Hillman and published an anthology of Hillman’s work with extensive introductions and commentaries. He has often been on television and radio, most recently on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday.

His website:



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Wildfires: Evolving Through Trial by Fire


Wildfires: Evolving Through Trial by Fire

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

So far this year, there have been 8,834 fire incidents in California alone, costing in excess of $1.8 billion USD and over 4 million acres burned. There have been numerous wildfires across California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. Many of the fires exploded and coalesced into record breaking megafires, mobilizing tens of thousands of firefighters. Authorities report that climate change and poor forest management practices contributed to the severity of the wildfires. Be it global warming, hurricanes, flooding, or wildfires, many believe we have just begun to experience this level of devastation from climate change.

What is it like to survive a wildfire? What can we learn from those that have? Can we use this situation to evolve our approach to climate change and the resulting upheaval in the future? How can we use these experiences to evolve as human beings?

With us this hour to explore some of these questions is a gentleman who has experienced and survived such a fire. Robert Kerbeck is the founder of the Malibu Writers Circle and a three-time nominee for the Push-cart Prize. He fought the 2018 Malibu Fire with his wife and son to save their home. His book, “Malibu Burning: The Real Story Behind LA's Most Devastating Wildfire,” won the 2020 IPPY award as the Silver Medalist in Creative Nonfiction and the 2020 Readers’ Favorite Award as the Silver Medalist in Nonfiction Drama. “Malibu Burning” was also a Finalist for Foreword Book of the Year and Winner of the Best of LA Award. His essays and short stories have appeared in numerous magazines and literary journals. One of his stories was adapted into the award-winning film, “Reconnected.” 

His website:



Abundance: What Are We Missing?

  Abundance: What Are We Missing? The secret formula to abundance: who wouldn't want to know it? What if abundance is less about the...