Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Evolutionary Power of Change and Disruption


Hello my visionary friends. Thank you for joining us on another exciting adventure into future possibilities. This is Mission: Evolution where we share innovative thoughts and information with today’s leading experts, bringing evolutionary solutions to today’s unique challenges.

In recent episodes, we have been doing a COVID-19 series, speaking to numerous experts who have shared an amazing amount of knowledge on the subject. To access that body of knowledge, visit our archives at missionevolution.org.

Now we are focusing on the brand new landscape in which we find ourselves, and the tools to help us move forward.

Your input is a very important part of these discussions. Email info@missionevolution.org with any comments or questions. We will address them on the very next show. So, sit back, take notes, and enjoy.

This hour we will consider:

The Evolutionary Power of Change and Disruption

Never is there a better opportunity to evolve than when we have been picked up by the ankles and had the change shaken out of our pockets. 2020 has done an excellent job of disrupting the status quo. While it’s tempting to wish for days gone by and a return to “normal,” the fact is we have been on a collision course with our own karma for quite a while. What we had considered as normal was simply not sustainable and now we are reaping the rewards of our folly.

So where do we go from here? How can we transmute this upheaval into something positive, beneficial and evolutionary?

With us this hour to investigate the possibilities of a positive shift is Rita Burgett-Martell. Rita is  a summa cum laude graduate of Belmont University in Nashville and the author of two books: “Change Ready! How to Turn Change Resistance into Change Readiness,” and “Defining Moments: Seizing the Power of Second Chances to Create the Life You Want.” The practical guidance Rita provides is based on her thirty years of professional experience as an organizational change consultant to Fortune 500 clients and career coach to more than 11,000 individuals.

You can find out more about Rita at her website: ritaburgettmartell.wordpress.com



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