Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Evolving Human Body

The Evolving Human Body
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
One challenge faced by the evolving human being is the ability to channel increased frequency, or life force, through all four aspects of our nature; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Increased frequency is a two-way street. As the sun moves into a more highly charged area of the galaxy, its heliosphere is becoming more charged. This increase in frequency is radiating onto the planet from the sun itself, and being fed into the core of the planet by the electromagnetic field of the sun as it interacts with that of the earth.
The result – we are being fed increased frequency from above – the sun, and from below – the earth itself.
This frequency or life force is putting increased pressure on any restrictions in flow within our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. The challenge is to address these restrictions before we start to break down around them.
What are the causes and effects of physical restrictions? Is there anything we can do to remove physical blocks to life force?

With us this hour to explore this pressing topic is Jean Louise Green, the author of “STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION AND ENERGY MEDICINE.” Jean is a certified massage therapist and Certified Practitioner in the Ida P. Rolf Method of Structural Integration, trained by Dr. Rolf's first-generation teachers through the Guild for Structural Integration. Jean taught basic and advanced level Deep Tissue classes as a certified teacher of therapeutic massage, and was a senior staff member at Chico Therapy Wellness Center. A professional member of the Guild for Structural Integration, the International Association of Structural Integrators, and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals, Jean maintains a full time private practice.
Her website: jeanlouisegreen.com

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