Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Trap of Unforgiveness

The Trap of Unforgiveness 
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
There is nothing that stops personal evolution in its tracks faster than unforgiveness as an unforgiving heart is firmly frozen in place. Rather than broadcasting the frequency of love, it is locked down, holding a grudge. Grudges keep us trapped in the past and unavailable to connect with the unifying force of love in the present. This lockdown condemns us to an isolated future. Given that we are currently evolving into unity, the inability – or unwillingness – to forgive becomes a slow, painful devolution into bitterness, loneliness and despair.
Yet how does one forgive? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Often, we might say we forgive, only to find the grudge reemerging to haunt us. Could it be that the forgiveness we need is for ourselves, rather than those we perceive have wronged us? Is it possible the underlying problem is victimhood, used to cover personal guilt and shame? What is the anatomy of forgiveness, and how do we achieve it?

With us this hour to explore the power of forgiveness and how to obtain it is Rev. Misty Tyme, author of “The Forgiveness Solution: The Step by Step Process to Let it Go.” She is a forgiveness expert, speaker, certified death doula and creator of The Forgiveness Algorithm™.
Rev. Misty was ordained in 2015 after spending two years in One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Previously, she had a long, successful career in corporate health care. Her mission: to bring a forgiveness tool to a cynical world that is craving a way to let go of pain and anger. Armed with the motto that “forgiveness is the link between love and healing,” she believes when we practice forgiveness, we make room for the good life God has intended for each one of us.
Her website: RevMisty.com

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