Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Being the Grace You Really Are

Being the Grace You Really Are
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Fear, separation, and a sense of lack tend to characterize the current human condition – a condition we have been born into for generations. In our chaotic and volatile times, never have grace, love and trust been more needed, or more difficult to achieve. Yet deep in the core of each of us – past our conditioning, belief systems and false identities, lies our true nature, one of grace and ease. Right action in any moment can only come from this place, and thus it is the key to our salvation.
How can we unbury this gift, when generations of conditioning stand between us and it? How can we find the presence of mind to look within, when the outside world is so threatening and unpredictable?

With us this hour to explore love, grace and ways to access them, is Miranda Macpherson. Miranda is the author of “Boundless Love,” and “The Way of Grace: the Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation.” She is a spiritual teacher and minister who shares an integrated approach to surrender and nondual realization. Miranda has been guiding others into direct experience of the sacred for thirty years. She is the founder of OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where she trained and ordained over 600 ministers and counselors, today Miranda leads the “Living Grace” sangha in northern California.
Her website: mirandamacpherson.com


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Innovative Management for an Evolving World

Innovative Management for an Evolving World
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
As we evolve into a more self-actuated, spiritually enlightened place, it is indeed time for childhood’s end. Nowhere is this transition more needed than in the workplace. In times past, we have been much like children in relationship to our occupations – do what you’re told, don’t think or act outside of the box, and “big daddy” – aka the corporation – would provide for you. Our energy was spent competing with and undermining our brothers and sisters in order to win the biggest prize, largest bonus or highest position. 
With the rapid acceleration now evident in our world, we need all hands on deck in cooperation to keep up with the times. The old days of hierarchy and competition need to give way to a more cooperative, innovative structure, whereby everyone can bring and blend their unique gifts to achieve a common goal.
Yet, how do we get there from here?

With us this hour to delve into the topic of the evolving works place is Brian Robertson. Brian is an experienced entrepreneur, organizational pioneer, and author of the book “Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World.” He is most well-known for his work in developing Holacracy, a self-management practice for running purpose-driven, responsive companies. Its dynamic approach integrates the collective wisdom of individuals throughout an organization, and empowers them to drive meaningful change. The result is dramatically increased transparency, accountability, innovation, and agility.
His website: HolacracyOne.com

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Evolutionary Power of Authenticity and Self Love

The Evolutionary Power of Authenticity and Self Love
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Authenticity is the key to living one’s life purpose, and self-love is the key to authenticity. Sounds simple enough, but we have gotten so far from ourselves as individuals and as a species, we don’t know who we really are, much less how to love ourselves.
Somewhere, buried under self judgement, shame, guilt and lack of confidence, is a shining star within each of us – the star we came equipped to become.
How can we unearth this treasure and evolve into our potential? How can we take up our place in the circle of life and live our purpose?

With us this hour to explore self-love is Dr. Dinorah Nieves (aka Dr. D) Dinorah is a behavioral scientist, personal development coach and consultant for Oprah Winfrey Network’s "Iyanla Fix My Life.” She works with clients across the country, providing tools to become healthier, happier and more productive by shifting the thoughts and behaviors that block them from leading fulfilling, balanced lives. She is the author of “LOVE YOU: 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are,” “LOVE YOU: The Latina edition” and “LOVE YOU: The Workbook.”
Her website: dinorahnieves.com


Abundance: What Are We Missing?

  Abundance: What Are We Missing? The secret formula to abundance: who wouldn't want to know it? What if abundance is less about the...