Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Reclaim Your Life: Transform Your Future

Reclaim Your Life: Transform Your Future
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Who are you?

Seems like a simple enough question to answer – until we consider all that is standing between us and our true expression. We actually live through a false identity based on birth order, gender, race, religion, physical appearance, marital status, education, occupation, and the expectations of others. In addition, we carry a lifetime of damage, resulting in guilt, shame, coping mechanisms, defenses and denials. All considered, our self-perception is distorted at best.

How can we clear the way for our true nature to shine through? What is our potential when we are free to live from authentic soul expression, rather than using all our energy to run the aforementioned programs?

So I ask again…Who are you…really?

With us this hour to delve into the shadows of false identity is Resilience Expert Michelle Nagel. Michelle guides successful people who are tired of being all  things to all people all the time, helping them to take off their protective armor so they can set boundaries, care for themselves without feeling guilty, be who they really are, and live the lives of their dreams without apology. The author of the best-selling book, “Suffering is Optional: Step Out of Darkness Into the Light,” and coauthor of the international bestseller, “The Light at the End of the Funnel,” Michelle has been teaching, coaching, and inspiring clients and audiences to make soul shifts that change the upward possibilities in their lives, while living within their divine power and joy.          
Her website: i-soul-shift.com

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed talking with you, today, Gwilda. Thank you for all you bring to the world, and for inviting me to visit with you!


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