Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Evolving Into the Aquarian Age

Evolving Into the Aquarian Age
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
So here we are, at the dawning of the Aquarian Age, a time that has been anticipated since the 1800s when the concept of a New Age began. The Age of Aquarius is reputed to bringing unity, spiritual evolution, enlightenment, peace, joy, brotherhood and male/female balance.

However, looking out at the world, I have to say, I don’t see much of the aforementioned going on. In fact, things appear to be coming apart at the seams as cultures clash, economies fail, the environment is in crisis, children are killing children, and war looms large.

So what’s really going on? Where’s the happy-happy joy-joy? What am I missing? What does it really mean to evolve into the Aquarian Age?

Our guest this episode has spent a lifetime contemplating various aspects of this issue, and will no doubt have some interesting thoughts on the subject. Barbara Hand Clow is the author of numerous books, including “The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind,” “Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: The 2011/2012 Prophecies and Nine Dimensions of Consciousness,” “Awakening the Planetary Mind: Beyond the Trauma of the Past to a New Era of Creativity” and "Revelations of the Aquarian Age."She was the acquisitions editor for Bear & Company Publishing from 1983-2000.
Her website: handclow2012.com


  1. jung- you are female so you have a male soul, i am male so i have a female soul. gender equality.

  2. also getting rid of the capitalism death machine will help usher in our happy age of grain also. #Bernie2020 #DSA #Progressive


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