Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Laughter is Really the Best Medicine


Laughter is Really the Best Medicine

 When was the last time you laughed? What if laughter was proven to be one of the greatest healers? Would you find occasion to laugh more often?

With us this hour to delve into the healing power of laughter is Ros Ben—Moshe. Ros is a Laughter, Wellbeing and Positivity author and academic. She is Adjunct lecturer at the School of Public Health and Psychology at La Trobe University, Melbourne where she coordinates the Laughter, Resilience and Wellbeing online professional short course.  Ros is author of “The Laughter Effect – How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life,” and “Laughing at cancer – How to Heal with Love, Laughter and Mindfulness”. 

Her website:





Friday, March 8, 2024

Too Much Pain!


 Too Much Pain!

We are in the middle of an opioid crisis. At this point, many Doctors are afraid to prescribe opioids, even to those patients with legitimate pain. If you are suffering from too much pain what are your alternatives when opioids are not an option?

With us this hour to explore alternatives to opioids when faced with too much pain is Dr. Andrea Furlan. Dr. Furlan is a physician in Toronto, Canada, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, and staff physician at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. She is a specialist in chronic pain, and her passion is to teach other physicians, her patients, and the public in general. Dr. Furlan is the author of, “The 8 STEPS to Conquer Chronic Pain, a Doctor’s Guide to Lifelong Relief.”

Her website:



Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Enraged Codependent


The Enraged Codependent

We have all heard of codependency.  What few of us may realize is the backed-up rage often involved in being in a codependent relationship. How can the codependent find balance and still retain their big hearts?

With us this hour to explore the enraged codependent is Michelle Farris. Michelle is a licensed psychotherapist, codependency expert and course creator. She helps people create healthy relationships without sacrificing their big hearts. She’s written several e-books and online courses on relationship skills. In her private practice she provides practical tools to build self-trust and healthy relationships.  

Her website:



Abundance: What Are We Missing?

  Abundance: What Are We Missing? The secret formula to abundance: who wouldn't want to know it? What if abundance is less about the...