Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Salvation of Tibet’s Oldest Religion: Bon Monks


Salvation of Tibet’s Oldest Religion: Bon Monks

The oldest Tibetan shamanic tradition and religion is Bon. The Bon Monks survived war and persecution to continue practicing today. Stay tuned as we explore their amazing story. 

With us this hour to discuss the Salvation of Tibet’s Oldest Religion is Jackie Cole. Jackie is a retired Veterinarian who has been a Bön student for over 20 years with many contacts in the worldwide Bönpo community.  She lives in Galveston, Texas with co-author and husband Harvey Rice. Their book is entitled, “Flight of the Bön Monks: War, Persecution and the Survival of Tibet’s Oldest Religion.”

 Her website:



Abolishing Food Addiction


Abolishing Food Addiction

Over 20 billion dollars is spent annually on weight loss products. Yet 69% of American adults are considered obese.

What are we doing wrong?

Could we be faced with a food addiction problem?

With us this hour to delve into food addiction and possible solutions is Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrman is a board-certified family physician and seven-time New York Times best-selling author. His latest book is “Eat for Life.” An internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, he specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods.

His website:



Thursday, January 25, 2024

Quantum Healing and Shamanism


Quantum Healing and Shamanism

What if the key to evolution and enlightenment is to be found at the quantum level of life? If that is the case, how does one access the quantum level? And what – oh what does the ancient practice of shamanism have to do with evolution today?

With us this hour to journey into shamanism and the mysterious quantum level is Todd Wilcox. Todd has had a lifelong fascination with alternative healing, consciousness expansion, and human potential.  His first book “Slipstream Shaman: Using Quantum Healing for Individuals, Communities, the Planet, and Beyond,” was recently published.  He has also created the online training “Your One-Day Quantum Healing Awakening."

His website:



Abundance: What Are We Missing?

  Abundance: What Are We Missing? The secret formula to abundance: who wouldn't want to know it? What if abundance is less about the...