Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Out-of-Body Information: Prophetic or Delusional

Out-of-Body Information: Prophetic or Delusional
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~

Evolution requires transformation of consciousness. In order to evolve, we need new information and perspective. Otherwise, we are simply operating under the same old limiting concepts. This does not facilitate change. 
The dilemma is determining where to come by reliable new data. One method of accessing more expansive information, used by prophets and esoteric practitioners for millennia, is through trance states and out-of-body travel.
However, the art of entering the trance state or participating in out-of-body travel is very complex and demanding. There are few places left where one can acquire reliable training to do so. If we don’t have a certain amount of genetic predisposition to the gift, combined with extensive training and knowledge of how to interpret the material received, we run the risk of doing more harm than good.
Esoteric data is very difficult to prove. How can one tell if it is reliable, profound, or simply coming from personal damage, bias and belief systems? When dealing with out-of-body information, how can we ascertain whether it is prophetic or delusional?
With us this hour to explore the mysteries, gifts and pitfalls of out-of-body information is Marilynn Hughes. Marilynn founded “The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation” in 2003 (Mission: Reduce Spiritual and Physical Hunger Worldwide). Marilynn has written 105 books, 40 magazines and around 18 CD's on Out-of-Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism. Marilynn has experienced, researched, written and taught about Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987.  
Her website:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Lost Children: Evolution of Foster Care

~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
It has been said that you can measure the health of a society by the way they treat their children. Historically, either the parents or extended family would see to the care of offspring. Yet according to the most recent federal data, there are currently more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States, a number which does not include the children who simply disappear.
That is a staggering figure. It would indicate we are failing as a society.
What happens to these traumatized children? What provision is available for them to recover and become responsible, loving parents themselves? Clearly, some evolutionary approaches and solutions are in order.

With us this hour to explore the challenges faced by many of today’s children is Dr. John DeGarmo. He is the author of several foster care books, including his latest, “The Little Book of Foster Care Wisdom: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement for Foster Care Families,” the bestselling book, “Faith and Foster Care,” and the foster care children's book, “A Different Home: A New Foster Child's Story.”  He is the director of The Foster Care Institute, and acts as a consultant to foster care and legal agencies across the USA. Dr. John is a High Content Speaker and informative trainer on the foster care system and travels extensively across the globe, meeting with foster parents, child welfare workers, churches, schools, and organizations. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Creative Aging in a World of Upheaval

Creative Aging in a World of Upheaval
~ Gwilda Wiyaka ~
Not six months ago, we all had various formulas to responsibly prepare for our later years. There were challenges, but also strategies to work around in order to secure a comfortable financial future.

Now, in 2020, the year of total upheaval, all bets are off. The only sure thing is that everything is drastically and rapidly changing. The very things we thought we could rely upon are going up in smoke – literally. 

How can we find our way through these wild times and secure our future? What tools are out there to financially navigate through the current storm? How can we creatively work with the new circumstances?

With us this hour to contemplate how current disruptive events may affect aging and retirement is Sara Zeff Geber. She is the author of the award-winning book, “Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults.” In 2018, she was the recipient of the “Influencers in Aging” designation by PBS’ Next Avenue. Sara is a retirement coach, and professional speaker on retirement and aging. She has developed a specialty niche working with “Solo Agers,” people who have no children or who are aging alone. With her speaking and writing, Sara has been raising awareness of Solo Agers for the past 10 years.
Her website:

Abundance: What Are We Missing?

  Abundance: What Are We Missing? The secret formula to abundance: who wouldn't want to know it? What if abundance is less about the...